Tag Archives: learning

There are only 3 essential elements on how to learn to strum your way through guitar lessons. First, purchase your own guitar. Borrowing can bring so much fuss considering the fact that you might destroy or ruin somebody else’s guitar. If the price isn’t reaching the money at hand, go for something cheaper. Better yet […] Read more
Category: Guitar Lessons

Learning to Play the Chords
To learn reading the chords of a guitar, one must have the basic knowledge on what a chord is and how is it produced. Introduction A chord is a set of tones producing a melody and is played on a guitar. The chords of a guitar can be made up of different notes that are […] Read more
Category: Learn To Play Acoustic Guitar
Basic Guitar Lessons for Free
Thinking of how to learn guitar without paying such an enormous amount on an instructor? Problem solved. This article will prove that learning to play and master a guitar need not be expensive. There are two practical ways to learn how to play a guitar. First would be through finding someone who knows all the […] Read more
Category: Guitar Lessons